To blog or not to blog, that is the question

Now that I own a smartphone with broadband capabilities, blogging from anywhere and at anytime should be a cinch.

Shouldn’t it?

And yet, this is the second time that I’ve missed my blogging deadline for the PostAWeek challenge.

So here I am, sitting and having my favorite lunch of toast and milk tea (with fried noodles and fish cakes to go), putting my best effort to contemplate where I have gone wrong.

Toast and Tea for lunch
Toast and Tea for lunch

I can give you a million and one reasons why I can’t keep up. Work, home, kids, the Top Commentators widget, distraction, lack of focus, etc. But they are all just excuses.

One thing I clearly am with this challenge is feeling frustrated. I checked my Google Analytics recently and found that my blog readership and bounce rate did not improve; in fact, it got worse.

What?! Even after the hoopla I made about PostADay / PostAWeek, and tweeting about it and joining the Facebook PostADay community (link removed, page no longer exist)? I would think things would be a little different.

Then I remembered my post on how my lack of blog updates led to better visitor retention. And, also the fact that blogging through this WordPress app for Windows Phone is ridiculously tougher than my geek self would like to admit, is making me think twice about my strategy.

So now what? Do I focus on organic traffic by just posting sporadically, or do I post often to feed my blogging interest in the expense of worsening search engine results?

I’ll think about this later.

BTW, here are some blog posts from readers who are taking on the PostAWeek 2011 challenge:

  • My history with Unix (link removed, site no longer exist) by LaViaP The Geek
Related post:  Blogging on the blockchain

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

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Posted on 8 February, 2011 under Life in reality and tagged with , ,


  1. I’m not sure that you’re ranking or traffic will suffer by posting less lengthy blog posts, but I’m sure repeat visitors will stay tuned to the site for longer more valuable posts.

    Interesting analytics from your test. Keep us posted about the results going forward.


  2. Sourish says:

    well since im a full time i post regularly and your top commentatro widget helped me create a community around my blog. i implmented it in the forum section so the top commentor is listed

  3. Blogging is cool and can bring in a lot of money.
    Wordpress CMS is the best for blogging, IMHO.

  4. Blogging is a cool way to provide latest information and also to make money online.

  5. Susan says:

    I just got into blogging a little bit ago, the top commentators widget is what has help out tremendously. Thanks for making it possible.

  6. I actually tried blogging everyday on may personal blog and it’s a lot of fun. You get a lot of freedom of expression and get to let a lot of what you feel out. I know you have a hectic life but you definitely need to give it a try.

  7. blogging is not something which a true blogger has control over it. When you will feel you need to write a post you can’t help to do it.

  8. joltivan says:

    Blogging is a cool way to make money and thanks for your top commentatro widget

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