I joined the Entrecard bandwagon

Out goes my Blogsvertise ad, and in comes Entrecard. I initially put up the Blogsvertise ad due to numerous requests to advertise in my blog, but since I don’t want the hassle of managing them, I thought Blogsvertise could do it for me. (Not) surprisingly, I did not get any ad requests after that.

Now, I have seen Entrecard being used in other blogs, prominent and the not-so’s, but I have never thought of incorporating it into my blog. The buzz around Entrecard seemed to be focused more about drawing traffic into their blogs and web sites, an issue which doesn’t matter to me as I’m not really concerned with whether people would read my entries or not, blogging has always just been a passion.

Lately, though, I was beginning to get what Entrecard is more about — networking different site and blog owners to each other by treating their Entrecard accounts as a sort of digital business card that they can drop into their site (I know, I know, Entrecard has been pitching that concept everywhere, but as I said, I only just got it!). And giving free ad space for my blog visitors? Sure, why not?

If you are an Entrecard user, don’t be shy and do drop your Entrecard as often as you wish. Other than through the comments and my MyBlogLog widget,  your Entrecard would be a fun way for me to know who you are. It also means that I have more places to bloghop to later!

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Posted on 7 February, 2008 under Life online and tagged with ,


  1. I was thinking of adding entrecard to my blog, but it seems there is an abdunace of credits at the moment. The same old problem will occur though, people will hide their ads below the fold and it’ll be impossible to get any meaningful traffic from it.

    That being said, it’ll be interesting to see your results. You’ll have to share them with us.

  2. Maria Ozawa says:

    People are flocking that service, i guess i should now join the bandwagon too ^^

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