Clicks back to your site with Top Commentators

If you have any doubt whether being a Top Commentator will actually bring visits from other blogs to your site, check out my Google Analytics’ Site Overlay report below.

A screen shot of Site Overlay on, with RT Cunningham's URL in the Top Commentators widget moused over (mouse pointer not visible).

Each bar represents the clicking popularity of the links in my site, in this case the main page. The humble is viewed by around 1,200 unique visitors a month, and from the looks of it, one-third of the exit clicks from my site are made on the Top Commentators’ sites. (I have to note that my analytics for this month has dropped because I have forgotten to add the codes in when I did my site migration late last month; I only remembered to put it back in a couple of days ago.)

This goes to show that commenting more matters! Just remember, there is such thing as a blog commenting etiquette; don’t comment just for the sake of it, but make an effort and at least let it mean something to the blog owner. Otherwise, you’ll be turning yourself into a fool and may even get banned from the blog.

If you like to have a Top Commentators widget into your WordPress blog, it’s available at Plugin Repository.

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Posted on 10 August, 2007 under Discovering WordPress, Life online and tagged with , , ,


  1. eshark says:

    Great tips! Tengkiu..

  2. Alan says:

    I just installed the plugin about a week ago. So far comments have been good and I hope people get lots of traffic from them. After all, they are contributing to the site with their thoughts. Thanks for the info, maybe I will post monthly results of the most clicked commentators or something.

  3. I’ve been messing around with that widget, but haven’t been able to get it to work like I wanted it to. So far, the regular plugin works o.k. but doesn’t look the best… but as they say, if it ain’t broke..

  4. papajoneh says:

    thanks for the babies wishes and this blog etiquette link. and yes the plugin is really important. important for myself and for visitors too. It’s like an encouragement to be on the top.
    great tip again.

  5. Balinese says:

    It’s quite useful plugin to increase interaction for your blog but of course you don’t wanna spam comments.

  6. Adam says:

    Its a fantastic plugin. I get a few hits every day from comments I’ve left around the web but I get a lot more if I enjoy the blog and comment a lot (therefore getting on the list). It also gives you a link back to your website which is very helpful.

  7. I’ve only had good things come from this plugin. Except for the outright spam comments (which Akismet blocks), I haven’t had any trouble with my “Top Commentators” plugin. Thanks.

  8. Another plugin that I really like is the Subscribe to comments, but I can’t get it to work with WP 2.2! I see it’s working on this site, what version are you running? Just curious!

    1. Lorna says:

      I use v.2.1. I’m surprised you have any problem using it at all!

  9. Mario says:

    Top commentators great way to interact with your viewers.

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