Top Commentators Widget is a Real WordPress Widget

A snapshot of the Top Commentators Widget control form

I have finally completed the Top Commentators Widget, which means that other than squashing out the bugs found in both the original plugin and my older widget versions (yes, Pelf, the weekly reset issue is fixed — it was also part of the original plugin bug), I also finished the widget control interface. Which means that you don’t have confuse yourself by looking through the code to customize the settings.

You like?

However, I still need to iron out a couple of things in the widget, namely the matter of having to bind names and URLs within those single quotes, which is cumbersome. I think that’s enough of a good reason why I should still set the current Top Commentators Widget at version 0.9.

Get ’em now.

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Posted on 27 April, 2007 under Discovering WordPress


  1. J.B.Slife says:

    Very cool…Top Commentators as a widget.

  2. nessa says:

    Hi Lorna! I just found out about this cool commentator thingy and hv been trying to find one for Blogger. The instructions are way too big for me, I know I’m a retard when comes to things lk this:(.

  3. Court says:

    I love it! It should have been a widget in the first place.

  4. papajoneh says:

    Hi Lorna? Still remember me? [sabahan ere]
    oh well, about this top commentator. I never thought u have one until Lilian mentioned it. I still using the old original version 1.02 from the by nate sandem. but when it comes to the wp 2.2 as u upgrading now at your latest post dated May 25th, the execphp widget does not work and thus creating havoc to the top commentator plugin too. So we have to come out with homemade runphp..originally by Azmeen of and now it works as it supposed to ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I hope your plugins + php widget works too ๐Ÿ™‚

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